폐쇄성 수면무호흡증 환자에서 구강내 장치의 장기간 사용시 부작용 |
원광대학교 치과대학 구강내과학교실 |
Long term complication of oral appliance for obstructive sleep apnea |
Kang Jin Kyu |
Department of Oral medicine & Orofacial Pain, Wonkwang University Daejeon Dental Hospital, Iksan, Korea |
Corresponding Author:
Kang Jin Kyu ,Tel: +82-42-366-1120, Fax: +82-42-366-1115, Email: orofacial@wonkwang.ac.kr |
Received: December 17, 2009 Accepted: December 26, 2009 Published online: December 31, 2009 |
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Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common sleep disorder which affects personal as well as social life, and increases the incidence of cardiovascular disease. Various treatments are available, including modification of life style, surgical treatment, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy and oral appliance therapy. Dentist’s role in treating OSA through oral appliance is to select appropriate type of the appliance with the consideration of the efficacy and possible side effects of the appliance.
Oral appliance is known to be effective in mild to moderate OSA, and is relatively more tolerable for the patients compared to other treatment modalities of OSA. However, long term use of the appliance can give rise to various side effects, such as, occlusal change, increase salivation during sleep, xerostomia, temporomandibular disorder, etc. Therefore, oral appliance should be managed by well-experienced dentist who can predict and control the possible side effects. |
Obstructive sleep apnea | oral appliance | complication |