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J Korean Sleep Res Soc > Volume 2(2); 2005 > Article
J Korean Sleep Res Soc. 2005;2(2):7-12.         doi: https://doi.org/10.13078/jksrs.05010
하지 불안 증후군 : 병태 생리학전 기전 및 치료
한현정, 김혜윤, 신동익, 구본대
관동대학교 의과대학 명지병원 신경과
Restless legs syndrome : Pathophysiology and Treatment
Hyun Jeong Han, Hye Yun Kim, Dong-Ick Shin, Bon D. Ku
Department of Neurology, Myongji hospital, Kwandong university, College of Medicine
Corresponding Author: Hyun Jeong Han ,Tel: +82-31-810-5403, Fax: +82-31-969-0500, Email: neurohan@kwandong.ac.kr
Received: December 5, 2005   Accepted: December 20, 2005   Published online: December 31, 2005
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The restless legs syndrome (RLS) is common sensorimotor disorder with a prevalence of about 5 to 10% in the general population, but only recently become recognized as a significant clinical and pathophysiologic problem. Despite intensive research the pathophysiological mechanism underlying RLS have remained obscure. In general, RLS encompasses an idiopathic form of genetic or unknown origin and symptomatic forms associated with uremia, iron depletion, polyneuropathy, spinal disorder and rheumatoid arthritis. Pathophysiology and treatment may be closed linked to the dopaminergic system and iron metabolism. Dopaminergic treatment with levodopa and dopamine agonist is the first choice in idiopathic restless legs syndome, but augmentation should be monitored in long-term treatment. Various other drugs, such as opioids, gabapentin, and benzodiazepines and iron, provided alternative treatment possibilities. The authors reviewed recent advances in the pathophysiologic mechanism and treatment modalities of the RLS.
Keywords: Restless legs syndrome | Pathophysiology | Treatment
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