수면과 신경계 질환 : 간질과 뇌졸중을 중심으로 |
남현우 |
서울대학교 의과대학 서울시립 보라매병원 신경과 |
Sleep and Neurologic Disorders : With Special Emphasis on Epilepsy and Stroke |
Hyun woo Nam |
Department of Neurology, Seoul Municipal Boramae Hospital Seoul National University College of Medicine |
Corresponding Author:
Hyun woo Nam ,Tel: +82-2-840-2508, Fax: +82-2-831-2826, Email: hawam@brm.co.kr |
Received: December 6, 2004 Accepted: December 17, 2004 Published online: December 31, 2004 |
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Epilepsy and stroke are two main fields of neurology. They have impacts on the sleep by disturbing good sleep or by causing inappropriate
sleep. In reverse, above diseases can be affected by sleep or sleep disorders. Some portions of these diseases occur preferentially during
sleep or at a particular stage of the sleep, while others occur partly as a consequence of a sleep disorder. Understanding this complex
interrelationship can help diagnosing and treating patients, and thus will enhance their quality of life. |
Sleep | Epilepsy | Stroke |