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J Korean Sleep Res Soc > Volume 9(1); 2012 > Article
J Korean Sleep Res Soc. 2012;9(1):19-21.         doi: https://doi.org/10.13078/jksrs.12005
유호성, 이가현, 이상암
울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 신경과학교실
A Case of Exploding Head Syndrome
Ho-Sung Ryu, Gha-Hyun Lee, Sang-Ahm Lee
Department of Neurology, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Corresponding Author: Sang-Ahm Lee ,Tel: +82-2-3010-3445, Fax: +82-2-474-4691, Email: salee@amc.seoul.kr
Received: March 27, 2012   Accepted: May 30, 2012   Published online: June 30, 2012
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Exploding head syndrome (EHS) is a rare phenomenon of unknown etiology, characterized by a sense of an explosive noise in the head usually in the wake-sleep transition. The sufferers experience a loud bang in their head that seems to originate from inside the head. We describe a 55-year old male with symptoms of a loud bang, spark and electrical current running like noise at sleep onset for one year. On video-electroencephalography monitoring, the events occurred during sleep-wake transition. We diagnosed him to EHS based on typical clinical features.
Keywords: Exploding head syndrome | Sleep-wake transition.
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