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Journal of Sleep Medicine is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes articles pertaining to a wide spectrum of clinical and translational research in sleep medicine. Journal of Sleep Medicine was founded in 2004 as the official publication of the Korean Sleep Research Society and is published three times a year (April 30, August 31, and December 31) in either Korean or English. The journal aims to advance the understanding of sleep medicine in a variety of disciplines including neurology, pediatrics, internal medicine, otorhinolaryngology, psychiatry, psychology, dentistry, epidemiology, neurophysiology, and sleep technology. The topics of clinical sleep medicine covered by Journal of Sleep Medicine include sleep-related breathing disorders, insomnia, parasomnia, central disorders of hypersomnolence, circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders, and sleep-related movement disorders. In addition to reflecting the state of the art in the translational science and practice of sleep medicine, we intend to provide sleep education opportunities to beginners and the general public. Regarding the type of articles, the journal publishes original articles, reviews, case reports, pictorial essays, and letters to the editor.

Volume21 No. 3
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A Case of Painful Legs and Moving Toes Syndrome in a Young Woman. J Sleep Med. 2022;19:31-33
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Joong-Ang Bldg., 18-8, Wonhyo-ro 89 Gil, Yonsan-gu, Seoul 04314, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-2-717-5114   Fax: +82-2-717-5515   E-mail: jsleepmed@e-jsm.org

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