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J Korean Sleep Res Soc > Volume 3(1); 2006 > Article
J Korean Sleep Res Soc. 2006;3(1):52-56.         doi: https://doi.org/10.13078/jksrs.06009
수면2기 중 활동 뇌파 성분
이일근, 한설희, 김한영, 오지영, 김희진, 강중구, 권오영, 박기종, 손영민, 정기영, 염명걸
1건국대학교 의학전문대학원 신경과
2대한 뇌파-유발전위 연구회
Active EEG Components During Stage 2 Sleep
Il Keun Lee, Seol Heui Han, Han Young Kim, Jee Young Oh, Hee Jin Kim, Joong Koo Kang, Oh Young Kwon, Ki Jong Park, Young Min Shon, Ki Young Jung, Myung Kul Yum
1Department of Neurology, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Seoul, korea
2Korean EEG-ERP Study Group, Korea
Corresponding Author: Il Keun Lee ,Tel: +82-2-2030-7562, Fax: +82-2-2030-7749, Email: neurolee@kuh.ac.kr
Received: June 4, 2006   Accepted: June 26, 2006   Published online: June 30, 2006
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Background : Sleep EEG is not an inactive electrical phenomenon but a active restorative process which is not understood in detail. Understanding stage2 sleep EEG with K complex and sleep spindle can be helpful for the demonstration of sleep physiology related with EEG source generation by specific brain regions. This study has been performed for better understanding stage2 sleep from electrical point of view using ICA (Independent Component Analysis) method. Methods : Stage2 sleep EEG was recorded from 23 normal subjects. Independent EEG components were investigated after running ICA with individual EEG followed by group IC analysis including scalp topography, IC dipole source localization, and percent variance analyses. Results : After applying inclusion criteria to identified IC's from each subjects, three major components were obtained. They are anterior cingulate (IC_AC), midline frontal (IC_MF), and midline parietal (IC_MP) components. They explained 43.4% of the whole stage2 sleep EEG (20.3% by IC_MF, 14.5% by IC_AC, and 8.6% by IC_MP). Conclusions : Significant part of stage2 sleep EEG was generated by midline structures such as anterior cingulate, midline frontal and midling parietal regions which are related with thalamocortical mechanism for the generation of sleep phenomenon. Further analysis can clarify the electrophysiological basis of sleep EEG.
Keywords: stage2 sleep | EEG | independent component analysis
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Motor Control during Sleep  2006 June;3(1)
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