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J Korean Sleep Res Soc > Volume 2(1); 2005 > Article
J Korean Sleep Res Soc. 2005;2(1):39-46.         doi: https://doi.org/10.13078/jksrs.05007
빠른 교대근무를 하는 간호사들에서 교대근무 수면장애의 유병률 및
김지영, 김지현, 이향운, 최경규
이화여자대학교 의과대학 이화의료원 신경과학교실
Prevalence of Shift work sleep disorder and its impact on health and working
Jee Young Kim, Jee Hyun Kim, Hyang Woon Lee, Kyung Gyu Choi
Department of Neurology, Ewha Medical center, College of Medicin, Ewha Womans University and Ewha Medical Research institute
Corresponding Author: Jee Hyun Kim ,Tel: +02-2650-2763, Fax: +02-2650-2652, Email: fever26@paran.com
Received: June 4, 2005   Accepted: June 14, 2005   Published online: June 30, 2005
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Background & Objectives : University hospital nurses usually work with rapid rotating shifting schedules. The shifting schedule which is irregular and rapid can make them very tired and have sleep problems. We reviewed the prevalence of shift work sleep disorder (SWSD), impacts on working function and medical condition and their usual coping strategies. Subjects & Methods : Eighty seven nurses working at Ewha Medical Center were evaluated with shift worker questionnaires and sleep diaries for two weeks. The questionnaire was evaluated in each working schedule, which included the questions about the sleep patterns, health complaints, Stanford & Epworth sleepiness scale (SSS, ESS), insomnia severity index (ISI) and psychometric questions. Morbidity related to work functioning or social activities was assessed. Results : Among 87 subjects, 32.2% (28/87) of nurses met the ICSD-2 criteria for SWSD. Compared to non-SWSD group, nurses with SWSD showed slightly shortened total sleep time (5.2¢®¨u1.2hr vs 5.7¢®¨u1.3hr), much longer sleep latency (79.3¢®¨u63.0 vs 31.0¢®¨u29.3, p<0.001), decreased sleep efficiency (80.6¢®¨u13.4 vs 88.4¢®¨u10.9, p=0.005). ISI was higher in SWSD group (12.6¢®¨u5.4 vs 8.2¢®¨u4.0, p=0.01). SWSD nurses had less insomnia and daytime sleepiness at evening schedule than other schedules. SWSD group had more gastrointestinal, neurologic symptoms and depressive mood than non-SWSD group. The frequency of lateness for work and sleepiness-related mistake was also slightly higher in SWSD group.
Conclusion : About a third of nurses with rapid rotating shift work schedules have SWSD and suffer from insomnia more than sleepiness during working. Most SWSD nurses have no adequate coping strategies, so attentions should be made to relieve their sleep related problems and depressive mood.
Keywords: Shift work sleep disorder (SWSD) | Rapid rotating shift workers | Hospital nurses
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